When was the last time you climbed a tree?

Challenge a friend Cards by Paris Bourke

Bonsoir, bonjour, good morning, good evening, hi!

I’m happy to present you my last side project that was on my to do list for a long time, I’ve finally finished the first 6 illustrations that will make you engage even more with each other.

Here are the Challenge a Friend Cards!

Those cards are an invitation to share an activity with someone that involves your community, your creativity and even your fitness!

A little challenge in our busy lives.

Do you want to invite your aunt, your grandchild, your brother or your best friend to play together?

Well those cards are here to make it fun and real. So let your imagination go wild and let me know about the other challenges you would like to see for the next set of cards. I will upload more photos on Instagram and Facebook, please share and comment to have your idea(s) illustrated!

Head up to the shop  to see all the illustrations and to start challenging someone and have a wonderful time with them!


The Map Game France is now ready!

Look at this blue! The Map Game France is now in the online shop and we are ready to accept Wholesalers too! Thank you to all the people that already ordered it, offered it and are already playing with it, your lovely feedbacks are so heart warming!

The Map Game France -bleu

By the way: The new packaging is stunning and hand screen-printed in our studio:

The Map Game France

A little sneak peek inside The Map Game -France-:

Made in Melbourne

Made in Melbourne

Can You Guess?

Hello there!

I have one photo to show you. The playing pieces of the Map Game, but there are no kangaroos or cockatoos on those. Look closely and tell me if you can guess what this means?

The Map Game Playing Pieces

This is a very exciting news and more photos will come next month!

You can also follow Paris-Bourke on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Harry Potter -Mini Playing Kit-

We do have a few Harry Potter fans here, and spells are flying from every corner of the house. (Shame it doesn’t work though, I will do with a few Quietus! Repairo! or a good Accio! spell to find a lost sock 😉

After reading all the books, we made a little potions kit and my son carved a wand in a Gumtree branch:

Harry potter Kit harry Potter playing kit harry potter wand DIY

Now the children have hours of pretend play ahead!

-The best rainy afternoon ever! –


What a find! On the side of the road, in the middle of old bikes, was an old typing machine, with a Grec alphabet! After a good wash we gave it to the children in the beginning of a rainy afternoon.They spend the full afternoon playing with it, being police officer taking complaints or giving fine to the other one and even creating a ”Wanted” poster!

Quelle trouvaille, sur le bord de la route, au milieu de vieux vélos, il y avait une vielle machine à écrire, avec l’alphabet Grecque! Après l’avoir nettoyé, nous l’avons donné aux enfants au début d’un apres-midi pluvieux. Ils ont joué aux policiers l’après-midi entier tapant des plaintes ou donnant des amendes, ils ont même accroché une affiche d’avis de recherche! 

IMG_1187 C’est rigolo comment un objet puisse inspirer un jeu de rôle si précis dans leur esprit.

It is funny how one object can be the start of a fabulous role play in their mind.

-All I want is Pizza-

Pizza Play

Pizza: This is what my daughter wants to make for dinner every single night…well, let me tell you, she is disappointed most of the time. (6 days out of 7 more exactly.) It took me a long time to find a solution to her frustration, but one day I opened my scrap of felt box and gave it to her with just one sentence:”maybe you can make a pizza for your doll with that?” Off she went in her bedroom while I could cook something else.

30 minutes later, here is what she made: a pizza Margarita with ham, cheese, thyme, sesame seeds and mozzarella. It looked as beautiful as her smile!

Pizza:Voici le menu que ma fille veut cuisiner chaque soir…laissez moi vous dire qu’elle est déçue la plupart du temps. J’ai mis du temps a trouver une solution à sa frustration: l’autre jour j’ai ouvert ma boite à coupons de feutrine, le lui ai donné en lui proposant de fabriquer une pizza pour sa poupée pendant la préparation du dîner.

Une demi-heure plus tard, voici le résultat: une pizza Margarita avec du jambon, du fromage, du thym, des graines de sésame et de la mozzarelle. C’était aussi beau que son sourire!

from this:IMG_0718

to this:

pizza felt

felt Pizza

Now we have a lot of felted sesame seed and thyme around the house but hey that’s worth it!

Bon la vérité c’est que nous avons plein de graines de sésame e de thym en feutrine un peu partout dans la maison mais bon, ça vaut le coup!


When it’s too hot to go outside and to early to go to the beach why not try to lost the children in a labyrinthe made with Kapla or Pencils ? Who knows, you may have some time for yourself while they are stuck…;-) Labyrinth

Let’s Play

Vous ne savez pas quoi faire de vos petits mimis un jour de pluie, hophop une balle, un bâton, de la ficelle et c’est parti pour une bonne rigolade.

It’s raining outside, you don’t know what to do with the children, let’s have some fun with a tennis ball, a string and a stick.

You’ve got Mail…

Lorsque les chérubins décident de jouer au facteur, ma réserve d’enveloppes se volatilise en un rien de temps…il vaut mieux trouver une solution rapidement: des enveloppes toutes douces en feutrines et tissus !
Et tant qu’à faire, autant leur construire une boite aux lettres pour aller avec:

When the childrens decide to play the postman, all my envelopes disappear in no time, it is better to find a solution quickly: Felt envelopes!
And let’s build a letterbox to go with:

Les pages d’un vieux dictionnaire feront l’affaire pour les lettres…

An old dictionnary become very handy for the letters…

The Pattern -Le patron:

-Play Mat Bag-

Pouvoir jouer avec des Lego, des Playmobiles, des Kapla, sans avoir à ramasser des dizaines de petits trucs un peu partout, dans chaque recoin et dessous de meuble inaccessible,c’est quand même des vacances!

Voilà donc un tapis-sac de jeux qui va vous simplifier la vie: (140cm*140cm de tissu, 16oeillets, 6m de corde de coton.)

Be able to play with Lego, Playmobiles, kapla, without having to collect tens of small things almost everywhere, it is easy!
To make a Play Mat Bag : (140cm*140cm of fabric, 16 eyelet, 6m of cotton rope.)

How to/Comment faire:

Did you made one? Share your photo on the Facebook Page.

Vous en avez fait un? Venez partager votre photo sur la page Facebook.