Art Studio near Bordeaux, France

-Children & Botany- if those two topics are dear to you, we should be friends!

Please join the art studio via Newsletter, Instagram or LinkedIn to receive sneak peaks and dates of coming art exhibitions.

I’m please to let you know that my work has won an Award at The Salon des Arts d’Aquitaine and a Certificate of Artistic Merit from the Luxembourg Art Prize for my work on enthusiasm in children. The next exhibition will be in Bordeaux at the Art’Gentiers Art Gallery next March.

Thank you for your support!

By the way, a few Map Games are available here.

-Their turn, to build their toys.-

Star Wars Figurines

After so many years building, sewing, painting, carving, tinkling toys and games for my children, they now do it themselves! The rule under our roof is; -start with what you have-. Having enough bits of timber in the shed, my son (11) decided to cut out some lightsabers for himself, his sister and his friends! I let you imagine the number of sabre fight we had at our house, at the park, in the bush, at the beach… in only a few weeks.

I love to see him draw and cut the shapes and drilling for the ”light blade”. My suggestion of carving each handle and sanding them till it’s cylindrical didn’t have much success…so here it is, raw and already well used:


Light sabre Star wars

Wood work Children

Wooden Light Saber Star Wars

“May the force be with you.” 😉


-The Mechanical Cockatoo-


Mechanical Cockatoo 1

I realised that I’ve not shown you my moving sculpture on the blog.

This little stone & wire Cockatoo flaps its wings when you turn the handle and slides out a gift card for you.

The two rocks come from the Dandenong Ranges, the stick from Mornington beach and from there, I’ve cut out some feathers out of old maps and built the mechanism with wooden spools, rods, the handle of a vintage hand mixer and sewing elastics.

Let’s see it in action at a market, it has delighted big and little children:

Mechanical Cockatoo 2Mechanical Cockatoo 3Mechanical Cockatoo 4Mechanical Cockatoo 5


The Finders Keepers in Melbourne

The Finders Keepers


Next July, The Map Game will have the honour to be part of the iconic Finders Keepers in Melbourne.

It’s a very exciting experience to be part of the festival of makers and designers from around Australia!

So I’ve started to work on a display for the Games and an automaton for the visitors. Tinkering with old mechanisms, crank handle, wood, rocks and wire, I’m surfing through the days with joy. (Well, and stress too!)

I will post more about my progress and ‘behind the scene’ pictures on Instagram in the next few weeks. Please come along!

paris-bourke Kinetic sculpture Alice N Legendre

Presentation Finders Keepers Melbourne


The Map Game Paris-Bourke Finders Keepers




The 6 most beautiful Apps for children.

On this blog, I usually share handmade activities and toy projects but today I wanted to share nice screen activities.

It is not easy to find applications with a serene and arty design. So I wanted to share the latest results of my AppHunt!

– Les 4 Saisons d’Antoine
Beautiful App for Children

-Simple Machines by Tinybop

Beautiful App for children

– La Foret -Gallimard jeunesse

Beautiful App for Children

-Pierre et le Loup -France Televisions Distribution

Beautiful App for children

-Monument Valley

Beautiful App for children



Do you know well designed and visually attractive applications for children? Let’s share them here or on Instagram or Facebook.

Beautiful Apps for children





When was the last time you climbed a tree?

Challenge a friend Cards by Paris Bourke

Bonsoir, bonjour, good morning, good evening, hi!

I’m happy to present you my last side project that was on my to do list for a long time, I’ve finally finished the first 6 illustrations that will make you engage even more with each other.

Here are the Challenge a Friend Cards!

Those cards are an invitation to share an activity with someone that involves your community, your creativity and even your fitness!

A little challenge in our busy lives.

Do you want to invite your aunt, your grandchild, your brother or your best friend to play together?

Well those cards are here to make it fun and real. So let your imagination go wild and let me know about the other challenges you would like to see for the next set of cards. I will upload more photos on Instagram and Facebook, please share and comment to have your idea(s) illustrated!

Head up to the shop  to see all the illustrations and to start challenging someone and have a wonderful time with them!


-Three, the magic number -Trois, le chiffre magique-

January: my favorite month (in Australia…because, let’s face it, in France, at that time of the year, it is cold and miserable…)Soooo the middle of summer, the new year and the no-schedules weeks are always a time I cherish to re-organise our home and work space.

For the organisation of the everyday life, I already use the very efficient -Three Things- rule : every night, write down 3 things you can do the next day for:

– your business,

– your home,

– your children,

– your hobby,

etc. and be realistic about timing! This helps me getting through the day knowing that I have accomplished some things, rather than seeing the  same never-ending to-do list and feeling like I never get anything done.

Choose only 3 things in each category and it will work!

3 cartes

-The Map Game-

This week, I’ve decided to join the Creative Woman Circle with the Resolution project to organise my year better.

Now is time to start navigating through this new year!



Thank You! – Merci!

The Map Game Tree


This year was amazing and I wanted to thank you all for your support.


The Map Game leaves

Why a Rooster?

The 20-21-22 November 2015, Paris-Bourke will be at the Paris to Provence Festival in Melbourne. For this occasion, my last charcoal work on timber will be on display: a proud French rooster! But why a rooster? Its association with France dates back from the Middle Ages and is due to the play on words in Latin between Gallus, (inhabitant of Gaule, which later became France), and its homonym gallus, (rooster). The rooster was featured on the reverse of a French 20-franc gold coin from 1899 to 1914. Today, it is often used as the national mascot.

artist Alice N.L.

The rooster crowing sound in French is “Cocorico” (cock-a-doodle-doo)

(This post is dedicated to Cecilia.)

The Map Game France is now ready!

Look at this blue! The Map Game France is now in the online shop and we are ready to accept Wholesalers too! Thank you to all the people that already ordered it, offered it and are already playing with it, your lovely feedbacks are so heart warming!

The Map Game France -bleu

By the way: The new packaging is stunning and hand screen-printed in our studio:

The Map Game France

A little sneak peek inside The Map Game -France-:

Made in Melbourne

Made in Melbourne

Can You Guess?

Hello there!

I have one photo to show you. The playing pieces of the Map Game, but there are no kangaroos or cockatoos on those. Look closely and tell me if you can guess what this means?

The Map Game Playing Pieces

This is a very exciting news and more photos will come next month!

You can also follow Paris-Bourke on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Harry Potter -Mini Playing Kit-

We do have a few Harry Potter fans here, and spells are flying from every corner of the house. (Shame it doesn’t work though, I will do with a few Quietus! Repairo! or a good Accio! spell to find a lost sock 😉

After reading all the books, we made a little potions kit and my son carved a wand in a Gumtree branch:

Harry potter Kit harry Potter playing kit harry potter wand DIY

Now the children have hours of pretend play ahead!

Little terrarium for little hands

The latest project for those rainy and cold winter days: build a terrarium! Before assembling it, we went to the beach to collect tiny seashells, to the river to collect peebles, a few acorns from the park and some red sand from our hourglass collection. Next time we are heading to the forest, we will collect a bit of moss. Meanwhile, here is the beginning of our tiny garden for fairies, blue wren and ladybug :

terrarium pour enfants

seashell in terrarium

fairy terrarium

blue wren terrarium


Fold, fold & fold


For all the paper lovers, this is a really neat and impressive project to do with children.

We came across a template to build a Flextangle by BabbleDabbleDo. (Follow the link to her website to find the template to print)

And with them, we’ve been practicing our Stop Motion skills with this 12 secondes video:

Pour tous les amoureux du papier, voici une petite activité sympa à faire avec les enfants.

Nous avons trouvé le patron d’un Flextangle sur le site de BabbleDabbleDo. (Suivez le lien vers son site pour imprimer le patron.)

Ensuite nous nous sommes amusés à faire une petite video en Stop Motion de 12 secondes.

Bon weekend pluvieux!